
Yueqian Lin

Incoming PhD Student
Duke University
yueqian.lin [AT] duke [DOT] edu

About Me

I am Max Yueqian Lin. I will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University as a PhD student in Fall 2024. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Yiran Chen and Prof. Hai “Helen” Li. Previously, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Data Science from Duke Kunshan University in May 2024, graduating summa cum laude and with signature work distinction.

linyueqian's Github chart





Note: * stands for equal contribution

    Conference Papers

    Jiatong Shi*, Yueqian Lin*, Xinyi Bai, Keyi Zhang, Yuning Wu, Yuxun Tang, Yifeng Yu, Qin Jin, Shinji Watanabe
    Interspeech, 2024.
  2. ICPR
    Dong Liu, Yueqian Lin, Zexin Cai, Yunfei Xu, Ming Li
    International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2024
  3. ICLR
    Yueqian Lin*, Jingyang Zhang*, Yiran Chen, Hai Li
    International Conference on Learning Representations 2024 in the Tiny Papers track.
    Yueqian Lin, Ming Li
    National Conference on Man-Machine Speech Communication, 2023.
    Huali Zhou*, Yueqian Lin*, Yao Shi, Peng Sun, Ming Li
    IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, 2023.
    Xingyu Shen*, Yueqian Lin*, Zhixian Zhang*, Xin Tong
    IEEE VIS: Visualization & Visual Analytics, 2023.
  7. DistShift
    Jingyang Zhang, Jingkang Yang, Pengyun Wang, Haoqi Wang, Yueqian Lin, Haoran Zhang, Yiyou Sun, Xuefeng Du, Kaiyang Zhou, Wayne Zhang, Yixuan Li, Ziwei Liu, Yiran Chen, Hai Li
    NeurIPS Workshop on Distribution Shifts: New Frontiers with Foundation Models, 2023.

  8. Journal Papers

  9. ACS Macro Letters
    Kamlesh Bornani, Nicholas Mendez, Abdullah S. Altorbaq, Alejandro J. Muller, Yueqian Lin, Eric Zhonghang Qu, Kai Zhang, Sanat K. Kumar, Linda S. Schadler
    ACS Macro Letters


  1. This project is developed to validate a Bayesian-based optimizer for training feature extraction models, while also innovating a new data augmentation method to enhance model robustness and safety.
  2. This project is an interactive website to introduce the basic concepts of machine learning and deep learning for beginners.
  3. This project aims to transcripe musical notes from a sheet music image using traditional computer vision techniques like Hough transform, morphological operations, and template matching.




Student Representative


More About me

I embrace cultural experiences and self-expression through music. In addition, my adventures, from skiing escapades to academic exchanges across continents, contribute to a global perspective that I bring to my research and collaborative endeavors. Each experience, whether exhilarating or daunting, shapes the researcher and person I am today.


Study at DKU. Excited to join Duke ECE this fall.

2024 May

🎓 Spoke on behalf of my class at Duke Kunshan University’s 2024 commencement in the theme of “the three begot ten thousand things” from the Tao Te Ching. See news coverage here.

2023 Dec

🖥️ Attended IEEE ASRU 2023 virtually. Listened many great talks. Presented our paper BiSinger: Bilingual Singing Voice Synthesis.

2023 Dec

🧰 Attended NCMMSC 2023 in Suzhou, China. Presented our paper EEG-Based Speech Envelope Decoding: Structured State Space and U-Net Model Integration.

2023 Oct

🇦🇺 Attended IEEE Vis 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. Presented our poster RTVis: Research Trend Visualization Toolkit.

2023 Oct

🎤 Perform in the DKU “Embrace Music” Charity Show. Our performance on The Song of Voice Parts is reposted by the renounced Rainbow Choir.

2023 Sep

✏️ My first first-author paper BiSinger: Bilingual Singing Voice Synthesis has been accepted by IEEE ASRU 2023. This is a remarkable milestone in my research career.

2023 Sep

🎶 Went to Beijing to attend JJ Lin’s concert.

2023 Jul

🕶️ Attended ChinaVis 2023 in Chongqing, China.

2023 Mar

🎶 Went to Hong Kong Central to attend JJ Lin’s concert.

🎤 As a member of DKU Chorus, I sang in the main city event of the “Earth Hour” in Kunshan, China in 2023. Oops, now I have become a bass.

2022 Dec

🎓 End my exchange at Duke. Have the last round of quarantine in SH.

2022 Nov

🎿 Ski at Stowe, Vermont.

2022 Aug

✈️ Flied to US for exchange at Duke. Our flight (DL766) from LAX to RDU had an unexpected land in LAS due to losing the cabin pressure. It was a very scary experience.

2022 May

🧐 Summer Research at DKU. Gain a lot of foundational experience in deep learning and signal processing.

2022 Feb

💤 Participated in the Mathmatical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) 2022. Slept less than 3 hours per day.

2021 Dec

🎿 Ski at Lake Songhua, Jilin.

2021 Aug

🙌 Joined DKU Chorus as a tenor.

2021 Jun

🚙 Officially became a licensed driver.

🔬 Strated to do research with Prof. Kai Zhang. He taught me a lot about how to be a good researcher.

2020 Sep

🪪 Started my journey as the third-ever class’s UG student in Duke Kunshan University.

2020 Jan

😷 Locked down in Wuhan due to the COVID-19 when I was preparing for the Gaokao.

2014 Sep

⚙️ Became the one in charge of IT equipment in my class.


🐧 Got my first QQ account. Start to play games like Gold Miner.


👶 I was born in Wuhan.
